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The Total Organic Carbon instrument has been put in operation after the necessary maintenance and calibration procedures view more
GC- analytical method development At Ibn- Alhytham Pharma / QC department. Principle of gas chromatography view more
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He started in the field with Shimadzu analytical systems on year 1992 up to 1997 in Syria as sales and technical manger, after that Mr. SalahAldin has deals with several analytical Brand like Thermo, Knauer, and Nicolet. Today Lab Technology is recognized a leader in supplying comprehensive analytical solutions in Syria as well as in the Middle East markets . Lab Technology Co. represents a several manufacturers in Syrian market, among those companies Young Lin - S.Korea DAIHAN Sceintific-Korea MartinChrist-Germany A.Kreuss Optronic-Germany SGE Analytica Sceince-Austalia and many otheres ...... Lab Technology Co. has been established in year 1998 by chemist Salah Aldin Mohamad who has gained experiences along three decades of working in analytical technology as specialist in analytical method development for chromatography and spectroscopy. He started in the field with Shimadzu analytical systems on year 1992 up to 1997 in Syria as sales and technical manger, after that Mr. SalahAldin has deals with several analytical Brand like Thermo, Knauer, and Nicolet. Today Lab Technology is recognized a leader in supplying comprehensive analytical solutions in Syria as well as in the Middle East markets . Lab Technology Co. represents a several manufacturers in Syrian market, among those companies S.Korea DAIHAN A.Kreuss Optronic-Germany SGE Analytica Sceince-Austalia Analytik-Jena Shine DataApex Hitachi Kruss Niumag and many otheres ......

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